Do I need a doctor’s referral to receive treatment?

The short answer is no!

Direct Access refers to your legal right to be treated by a physical therapist without a prescription or referral, so there is nothing to worry about if you don’t have a prescription for physical therapy!

All fifty states and the District of Columbia have ruled enabling patients “Direct Access” to physical therapy services and programs. You can contact a physical therapist without a physician’s prescription or referral.

How Is Physical Therapy Different at Bens Total Wellness Therapy?

We believe in individualized treatment regimens for every patient at Bens Total Wellness Therapy. When we vist you, we will put you through a series of tests to determine the source of your injury or functional difficulties.

Your physical therapist may inquire about your medical history and request that you do particular movements or tests so they can observe the quality of your movement patterns and identify any problems firsthand.

Your therapist will then create a treatment plan that is unique to you. Such methods include manual therapy and therapeutic exercises to improve strength and mobility.

Can I Benefit From PT Treatments?

You certainly can!

Physical therapists are highly skilled at assessing the whole person. This means we look to identify all the factors related to your condition. We understand the interconnectedness of the body and how a problem in one area may be the symptom pointing to the source of the problem in an entirely different location.

We are also skilled at identifying whether or not you are dealing with “a” problem or multiple issues impacting you and your function.

Everyone can benefit from physical therapy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean physical therapy alone is all you need. We believe in collaborating with other healthcare professionals and working with you while working with another practitioner to help you get the results you deserve.

We can discuss your options and help you decide if physical therapy is right for you. Contact us today to learn how PT can help you and make an appointment with one of our dedicated staff members.

Do Physical Therapy Treatments Hurt?

Physical therapy is meant to alleviate pain rather than exacerbate it. However, your pain levels may fluctuate. Our therapists will clearly define what “normal” pain is and what is not normal. Some situations require exercises or other therapeutic actions that may elicit a pain response to facilitate improvements in your overall condition.

As a result of using weakened or recuperating muscles, you may suffer some momentary discomfort. Or for some, restoring the range of motion after surgery can be painful due to the nature of the condition. Unfortunately, it may be critical to your recovery to experience a temporary increase in your pain.

Although it may sound inappropriate, there are times when the increased pain early on can prevent more severe pain in the future.

Rest assured that we will do whatever we can to minimize your pain and avoid increasing it during your time in physical therapy. Communication with our therapist will help to reduce any discomfort you may feel during your physical therapy treatments.

We want you to be pain-free and return to normal activities as soon as possible. We will do what we can to prepare you for any discomfort you may experience.

What Should I Know About Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists are highly trained professionals who specialize in treating musculoskeletal conditions. Physical therapists are part of a healthcare team that routinely collaborates with physicians, surgeons, and other medical practitioners.

We also often collaborate with other healthcare professionals like chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists to ensure your treatment plan is as effective and efficient as possible.

Physical therapists are movement experts with advanced training and education in musculoskeletal disorders and diseases. In addition, physical therapists often take a hands-on approach to pain relief and function restoration.

One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to restore pain-free mobility and function while preventing pain and injury from recurring. Our physical therapists assess your movement patterns, determine the source of your pain, and work with you to manage or eliminate it.

While each patient’s condition and pain are unique, our physical therapist at Bens Total Wellness Therapy will use various targeted manual therapy techniques, exercises, modalities, and other strategies to relieve pain and restore function quickly.

How Is My Physical Therapy Treatment Progress Tracked?

You should see a noticeable improvement in your discomfort and overall function as you go through your rehabilitation activities.

An effective way to measure your improvement and progress is to keep track of your pain, mobility, and functional abilities. Tracking your impairments and functional abilities gives physical therapists objective information to compare with initial measurements. In addition, your personal reports and experiences help to validate your improvements and clue your therapist to regressions and/or lack of progress.

The bottom line is that you should notice improvements in how you feel and function throughout therapy. If you are not following an anticipated path of progress, your therapist will reassess the situation. Based on the results of this reassessment, your therapists will recommend further testing or a change in approach to your treatments.

How to Prepare for Your First Appointment?

We ask all patients to bring a few things with them on their first visit to our office.

  • Please go online and fill out our forms, print out the patient forms, complete them, and bring them with you for your initial evaluation. If you cannot do this or do not have access to a printer/computer, please allow extra time to fill these out upon arrival.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to complete any remaining paperwork so that you can maximize your time in your evaluation.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to your problem areas and for you to move around.
  • If you intend to use insurance, please bring your insurance information so we can make a copy of your card for our records.
  • Please bring any referrals, prescriptions, and test results from your referring physician, Nurse Practitioner, or physician assistant.
  • Bring any case manager or insurance adjuster’s contact names, phone numbers, and claim numbers in case of an automobile accident or worker’s compensation claim.

Please have your prescription and insurance card available when you call our office at 732-853-4560. This will allow us to verify your insurance benefits and provide you with an estimate of coverage.

Why Does Physical Therapy Take Longer Than I Thought?

Although there are typical stages of healing, the reality is that everyone is different, and so is their ability to heal.

At Bens Total Wellness Therapy, you will have a personalized treatment plan created based on your individual needs and goals. Throughout your recovery process, our team will provide constant feedback and allow refinement of your program to ensure it provides optimal results.

The most common reasons for delayed recovery are trying to do too much too soon or not doing enough. Finding the balance is where physical therapists thrive. We use concrete physiological benchmarks and your individual treatment response to refine your program and maximize your results in the shortest time possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about the length of your treatment plan, feel free to ask your physical therapist. We are here to help you by providing clarity throughout this process. We will keep you updated on your progress throughout each session.

Do You Treat My Condition at Your Clinic?

Physical therapists are trained to treat all types of musculoskeletal conditions. Most practices are geared towards specific subcategories of physical therapy.

You can be confident that our well-trained therapists will assess and treat your condition. For example, pediatric physical therapists often work exclusively with younger patients. Orthopedic outpatient physical therapists will work with all age categories and conditions.

If we feel another therapist or healthcare provider would better serve you, we’ll suggest people we know and trust.

Our physical therapists have received extensive education in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology (the study of joint movement), neurology, and many other medical sciences. Our physical therapists are all state-licensed and have graduated from accredited physical therapy programs.

You can rest assured that you are in capable hands!

When Will I Start to Feel Better?

Because each patient’s diagnosis is unique, our therapist will work with you and any other medical or healthcare practitioner to ensure you get the best possible results.

Our goal is to identify all the factors contributing to your condition. We will conduct a comprehensive evaluation and thorough history to gather this information and then design a treatment plan for you.

For some people, relief is felt on day one; for others, there is a journey to relief filled with ups and downs. It is easier to know who you will be once we meet with you and examine your situation.

Our team is highly trained and skilled at treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries. We will provide guidelines to help you understand your condition and what to expect from therapy. These guidelines will include the likely duration of your situation and expected progress broken down into realistic timetables.

Our team is here to support you and answer your questions throughout the process!

Can I Continue Seeing a Therapist Even When I Feel Better?


Once you have finished your therapy sessions, you can continue to see your physical therapist. There are several different ways to do this, for example:

  • Your therapist will see you review and progress your at-home therapy program.
  • You can schedule a re-evaluation after a month to ensure you are still doing well and modify your home program as needed.
  • You can arrange to see your therapist regularly (i.e., every six months) for a consultation to assess your progress, ensure you are not regressing, and deal with anything new that may have started.

We can also arrange to meet you at your gym to work with you on determining what equipment and exercises would benefit your continued recovery.

What Office Policies Should I Be Aware Of?

If you cannot make it to your appointment due to illness or another emergency, we requests that you call us at least X hours before your scheduled appointment time to let us know.

Any missed appointments that have not been rescheduled at least X hours in advance will result in a non-refundable charge of X dollars.

If you have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please reschedule your appointment with our front desk so that we can maintain a safe, healthy environment for our patients and employees.

What Is at-Home Physical Therapy?

At-home physical therapy, also known as home-based physical therapy, involves providing physical therapy services within a patient’s home. This can be highly beneficial for individuals who find it difficult to leave their homes due to their physical conditions, elderly individuals, those who live far from therapy centers, or those who prefer the convenience of therapy at home.

Our at-home physical therapists use mobility exercises for someone recovering from surgery or a fall. They might also provide strength training for individuals with Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis or help with pain management for chronic conditions like arthritis.

At-home physical therapy can include:

  • Therapeutic exercises: These are specific exercises aimed at addressing problems that the patient might be experiencing. They can help improve or maintain muscle strength, coordination, endurance, and flexibility.
  • Functional training: This type of therapy is designed to help individuals perform daily activities more easily and without discomfort.
  • Pain management techniques: Physical therapists may use various methods, such as hot and cold therapy, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), massage, and certain exercises, to help manage pain.
  • Education and advice: An important part of physical therapy is educating patients about their conditions and what they can do to improve their health and well-being. This can involve teaching them about exercises they can do independently and strategies for managing pain and avoiding injury.
  • Equipment provision: For some patients, certain equipment, like wheelchairs, walkers, or braces, might be necessary. The physical therapist can provide these and training on how to use them properly.
  • Balance and coordination exercises: These can be especially helpful for older adults at risk of falls.

At-home physical therapy aims to help patients regain or improve their physical abilities so they can live as independently and comfortably as possible.

Call 732-853-4560 today to learn more about our at-home services!

Is Bens Total Wellness Therapy a Home Health Agency?

The short answer is no!

Home-based physical therapy and Home Health Agencies both involve healthcare services provided in the home, but they are different. Here’s how they differ:

Home-based physical therapy specifically refers to physical therapy services delivered in a patient’s home. This could include rehabilitation following surgery, injury, or illness, strength and balance training, or assistance with mobility issues. The focus is on physical rehabilitation and functional improvement.

On the other hand, Home Health Agencies provide a broader range of healthcare services. These include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing care, social services, and sometimes even home health aide services. The goal of these services is typically to help individuals recover from illness or surgery, manage chronic conditions, or maintain their health and independence at home.

Home-based physical therapy typically involves just the physical therapist, who works directly with the patient and possibly their family. In contrast, Home Health Agencies typically involve a multidisciplinary team. Each professional plays a different role based on the patient’s specific needs.

Home-based physical therapy and Home Health Agencies may also differ in terms of insurance coverage and payment structures. Home Health Agencies typically require that the patient is homebound and needs intermittent skilled services, like nursing or therapy services.

Home Health Agencies are heavily regulated and need to meet certain federal and state guidelines to be certified and eligible for reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. They often undergo regular audits to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Home-based physical therapy services, while also regulated, may only have to meet as stringent or comprehensive standards as they are part of a Home Health Agency.

The best choice will depend on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

Do I Need a Physician Referral for in-Home Physical Therapy?

Yes and no!

Direct Access means the removal of the physician referral mandate. Now, in every state, you are allowed by law to access physical therapist services for evaluation and treatment without a physician referral.

However, some states limit how many visits and/or how long you can see a physical therapist without physician involvement. Patients with Medicare will require a prescription from their doctor or a signature on the physical therapist’s plan of care.

If you are concerned in any way, we recommend you contact your doctor first and ask for a prescription to be faxed over to us, or contact us directly, and we can secure a prescription from the doctor.

Why Choose Bens Total Wellness Therapy Over Going Into An Outpatient Clinic For Physical Therapy

At-home therapy and outpatient clinic-based physical therapy are two valuable treatment modalities that can help individuals recover from injuries, surgery or manage chronic conditions. The best choice between the two typically depends on an individual’s specific circumstances, including their mobility, time availability, and the type and severity of their condition.

Here are some considerations when choosing at-home therapy over going to an outpatient clinic for physical therapy:

  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: People may find it hard to travel to a clinic after surgeries, especially major ones like joint replacements. In-home therapy provides an opportunity for patients to begin their rehabilitation in the comfort of their own homes.
  • Chronic Illness Management: For conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, or severe arthritis, regular travel to a clinic may be physically challenging or exhausting. At-home therapy can be a more convenient and less strenuous option.
  • Mobility Issues: Getting out of the house may be a major task for those with significant mobility problems due to conditions such as stroke or severe injury. At-home therapy removes the hurdle of travel and enables them to focus solely on their recovery.
  • Older Adults: Age-related issues like frailty, cognitive decline, or increased fall risk can make travel to outpatient clinics difficult or risky for older adults. At-home therapy can provide safer and more personalized treatment options for this population.
  • Pediatric Conditions: For children with cerebral palsy, developmental disorders, or severe injuries, at-home therapy can be less intimidating and more comfortable than therapy in a clinic. It also allows therapists to teach and integrate therapeutic activities in the child’s natural environment.
  • Immunocompromised Individuals: Those with weakened immune systems may need to avoid public places to reduce the risk of infection. This can make at-home therapy an attractive choice.
  • Convenience and Comfort: Some individuals may prefer the convenience of at-home therapy, especially if they have busy schedules, lack easy transportation, or feel more comfortable in their homes.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of at-home therapy can depend on the specific condition and the individual’s situation. 

Call 732-853-4560 today to learn more about how our therapists servicing the areas of New Jersey can help!

What to Expect at Your at-Home Therapy and How Long Does Therapy Typically Last?

Physical therapy is a key component in the recovery process for many conditions, especially those that involve injury or impairment to the body’s musculoskeletal system. Here are some of the common conditions that might benefit from at-home physical therapy:

  • Post-surgical Rehabilitation: After certain surgeries like hip replacement, knee replacement, or spinal surgery, patients might need physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.
  • Stroke: After a stroke, individuals often require physical therapy to help regain strength, coordination, and balance.
  • Chronic Conditions: Conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often require physical therapy to maintain mobility and function.
  • Musculoskeletal Issues: This includes conditions like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and other similar problems. These conditions often benefit from physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Sports Injuries: Injuries from sports, such as a torn ACL, sprained ankle, or tennis elbow, often require physical therapy as part of the recovery process.
  • Neurological Disorders: Conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy often require physical therapy to manage symptoms and maintain function.
  • Pediatric Conditions: Certain conditions in children, like developmental delays or congenital disorders, may be treated with physical therapy.

The length of each physical therapy session and the total duration of therapy can vary widely depending on the individual’s specific condition, health status, and the recovery goals set by their healthcare team. However, as a general guideline:

Each physical therapy session typically lasts about 30 to 60 minutes. This time may be split between various exercises and treatments. The total length of physical therapy can range from a few weeks to several months or even longer. For example, minor injuries might only need a few weeks of treatment. In contrast, recovery from a major surgery or stroke could require several months of ongoing therapy.

It’s important to understand that physical therapy is often gradual, and improvements may come slowly over time. Patience and consistency are key to a successful recovery!

How Long Do Appointments Take?

We will begin with a comprehensive evaluation at your first visit that typically lasts around 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. Your follow-up visits usually go anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes.

Your specific needs will determine the number of visits and the duration of your plan of care. As you and your therapist have discussed, we recommend attending more frequently in the early stages of your therapy to ensure you progress.

You’ll generally see your therapist twice or even three times a week at first, with fewer weekly visits and greater space between meetings as you progress through treatment.

What Kind of Clothing Should I Wear for Appointments?

Loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable to move in and provide easy access to the area of your symptoms. We also advise you to wear comfortable shoes or sneakers.

Can I go to any mobile physical therapy practice?

According to “The Patient’s Bill of Rights” law, you can decide what mobile physical therapy practice you choose for your care.

Although many physicians recommend a mobile physical therapy practice they may prefer, you are under no obligation to go to that clinic. No medical practitioner, insurance company, or other entity can insist you attend a mobile physical therapy practice. The choice is yours to make!

Your basic patient rights include these:

  • The right to information about quality: You can look up information about medical practitioners’ credentials, statistics regarding hospitals and clinics, and what your health plan covers in easy-to-understand language.
  • The right to choose a healthcare provider: Besides your primary healthcare provider, this also covers specialists, including physical therapists.
  • The right to emergency services: You can’t be denied treatment in an emergency.
  • The right to make decisions: It’s up to you to decide which course of treatment you want to follow.
  • The right to respect: You must be treated with respect regardless of sex, age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • The right to confidentiality: Your health information is private and cannot be released without your consent.
  • The right to complain: All providers (insurance, physicians, clinics, hospitals, etc.) must have a grievance procedure.

All fifty states and the District of Columbia have made a ruling enabling patients “Direct Access” to physical therapy services and programs. You can contact a physical therapist without a physician’s prescription or referral.

Call Bens Total Wellness Therapy at 732-853-4560 today if you have any questions!

How can I make an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment at Bens Total Wellness Therapy in New Jersey, NJ is easier than ever! Our scheduling is easy; we offer a convenient location and appointment times. We have morning and evening appointments available to meet the demands of your busy schedule.

Call us today at 732-853-4560 or click here to request an appointment.

How is my progress measured?

Physical therapists primarily measure your impairments and your functional limitations.

Impairments include:

  • Pain
  • Weakness
  • Loss of motion
  • Paresthesias (numbness, tingling, pins, needles, etc.)

Functional limitations include:

  • Lying
  • Sleep
  • Rolling over
  • Getting up out of bed
  • Sitting
  • Moving from standing to sitting
  • Moving from sitting to standing
  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Level ground
  • Stairs
  • Uneven ground
  • Running
  • etc

Tracking your impairments and functional abilities gives physical therapists objective information to compare with initial measurements. In addition, your reports and personal experiences help to validate your improvements and clue your therapist to regressions and/or lack of progress.

The bottom line is that you should notice improvements in how you feel and function throughout therapy. If you are not following an anticipated path of progress, your therapist will reassess you. We’ll use the information to change your program or recommend further testing.

How long is each appointment going to be?

Although every patient is different, the initial session usually lasts 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes. After that, each session will vary depending on your condition and progress; most often, it will last 45-60 minutes.

Your unique needs will determine the length of time, which our therapist will discuss with you. In addition, you and your physical therapist will determine the frequency of your weekly appointments.

It is common for your therapist to want to see you more often in the early stages of your care to assess your progress and confirm your treatment plan. In most cases, you will likely see your therapist twice a week initially and then make your appointments more spaced out as you proceed through treatment.

Will my insurance cover the cost of treatment?

We understand that dealing with insurance can be complicated; therefore, Bens Total Wellness Therapy would gladly assist you and answer your questions. It is essential to contact your insurance carrier to determine your coverage depending on your specific policy.

Visit our insurance plans page for additional information, and please do not hesitate to contact our New Jersey, NJ mobile physical therapy practice.

For your convenience, we provide a variety of payment alternatives.

What if I do not have insurance?

Our mobile practice won’t turn a patient away for this reason!

If you do not have insurance, that’s okay. For patients who do not have insurance, we offer cash-based options due at the time of service.

Please get in touch with our New Jersey, NJ mobile practice and speak to our front desk about costs and setting up payment plans.

What should I do to prepare for my first appointment?

We ask all patients to bring a few things with them on their first visit to our office.

  • Please go online and fill out our forms, print out the patient forms, complete them, and bring them with you for your initial evaluation. If you cannot do this or do not have access to a printer/computer, please allow extra time to fill these out upon arrival.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to complete any remaining paperwork so that you can maximize your time in your evaluation.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to your problem areas.
  • If you intend to use insurance, please bring your insurance information (we will make a copy of your card).
  • Please bring any referrals, prescriptions, and test results from your referring physician, Nurse Practitioner, or physician assistant.
  • Bring any case manager or insurance adjuster’s contact names, phone numbers, and claim numbers in case of an automobile accident or worker’s compensation claim.

Please have your prescription and insurance card available when you call our office at 732-853-4560. This will allow us to verify your insurance benefits and provide you with an estimate of coverage.

What Exactly Do Physical Therapists Do?

Physical therapists are movement experts who can improve your quality of life through hands-on care, prescribed movement-based exercises, and patient education.

Physical therapists are dedicated to helping you improve and restore your movement and function, manage pain, and reduce the symptoms of many chronic conditions and diseases. Their expertise lies in examining the whole person and designing therapeutic interventions to help you recover from and prevent injury.

Our physical therapists assess and treat all sorts of pain and injuries. We are movement professionals with the knowledge and experience to identify and treat musculoskeletal ailments.

The therapists at Bens Total Wellness Therapy play a crucial role in resolving aches and pains, preventing future problems, and helping to improve your overall health and well-being. We determine the severity of your injuries using objective measurements and design the most effective treatment accordingly. Every program is tailored to your specific requirements.

Call 732-853-4560 today to schedule a consultation and get started on your road to recovery and better health!

Where Can I Find a Physical Therapist That’s Right for Me?

Our New Jersey, NJ mobile physical therapy practice takes pride in providing a positive, encouraging environment with well-trained, friendly staff. We are confident in our ability to assist you in achieving your goals.

Finding the right physical therapist that aligns with your needs is crucial in your recovery or rehabilitation process. Here are some steps you can take to find the right physical therapist:

  • Get Recommendations: Start by asking someone you trust for a recommendation. Your primary care doctor or specialist will often know therapists with experience treating your specific condition. You should also ask friends, family, or coworkers if they have had a positive experience with a physical therapist.
  • Look for Therapists with Specialization: Look for a physical therapist who has any additional certifications or specializations that relate to your specific condition (e.g., orthopedics, neurology, sports medicine, geriatrics, etc.).
  • Research their Reputation: Look at online reviews and ratings on platforms like Healthgrades or Google Reviews. Find out how long they have practiced and what conditions they frequently handle.
  • Check the Logistics: Make sure the therapist’s location and hours work with your schedule. If you have specific needs like wheelchair accessibility or other accommodations, confirm these details.
  • Trust Your Instincts: After all your research and possibly an initial consultation, consider how comfortable you feel with the potential therapist. You should feel at ease and trust their ability to help you reach your health goals.

Remember, finding the right physical therapist can take some time and research, but your efforts will pay off when you find a professional you can trust to help guide your recovery or maintain your health!

Can My Physical Therapist Diagnose Me?

Yes and no!

This may be a bit confusing, but in most cases, the word “diagnosis” is exclusively for a physician. Although not everyone in healthcare knows this, for legal reasons, an official diagnosis comes from a physician.

That being said, physical therapists are often used to confirm or deny a diagnosis. As the physical therapy profession has grown, so has the respect and responsibility within the healthcare systems. So, technically speaking, a physical therapist will conduct an “assessment” of your situation to clarify your specific situation, and physical therapists are particularly skilled at getting to the root “cause” of your condition.

When you come for your initial session at Bens Total Wellness Therapy, your physical therapist will do a thorough evaluation that consists of a detailed history and a comprehensive physical examination. This first assessment establishes the severity of your injury or illness. It also helps establish the source of your symptoms and the factors contributing to your condition.

Physical therapists routinely collaborate with physicians to provide confirmation or potential contradictions to a diagnosis to ensure that your diagnosis is correct and your treatment plan is appropriate.

Is It OK to Choose Any Physical Therapy Clinic for Treatment?

According to “The Patient’s Bill of Rights” law, you can decide what physical therapy practice you choose for your care.

Although a lot of physicians recommend a physical therapy practice they may prefer, you are under no obligation to go to that clinic. No medical practitioner, insurance company, or other entity can insist you attend a physical therapy clinic. The choice is yours to make!

In addition, thanks to Direct Access laws, you do not need to wait for a physician to send you to the clinic of your choice.

Direct access means, by law, you have access to physical therapy services, including evaluations and treatments. Every state, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands allow for evaluation and some form of therapy without a physician referral.

To put it another way, you can choose which clinic you want!

Do I Need My Doctor to Refer Me to Physical Therapy?

The short answer is no!

Individuals can go immediately to a physical therapy clinic of their choosing and receive the treatment they need, thanks to Direct Access regulations.

Direct Access allows you to see a physical therapist without needing a prescription or referral from a doctor. Patients in all fifty states and the District of Columbia now have “direct access” to physical therapy treatments and programs.

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of Treatment?

We understand that dealing with insurance can be complicated; therefore, Bens Total Wellness Therapy would gladly assist you and answer your questions. It is important to contact your insurance carrier to determine your coverage depending on your specific policy.

For more information, please see our insurance page, and do not hesitate to contact our New Jersey, NJ mobile physical therapy practice with your questions. We provide a range of payment options for your convenience.

If I Don’t Have Insurance Can I Still Go To Physical Therapy?

Our mobile practice will never turn a patient away!

We offer cash-based options for patients who do not have insurance, which must be paid at the time of service. Please contact our New Jersey, NJ practice and inquire about rates and payment options with our front desk.

Our mobile physical therapy practice will never turn a patient away!

How Can I Pay for Each Session?

We recommend you contact your insurance carrier to determine your coverage, copayments/coinsurance, and overall plan to be sure you understand your requirements.

Our staff will assess your insurance benefits and notify you of your payments at each visit.

We accept the following methods of payment:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit card
  • Credit card

We also offer payment options depending on the individual’s circumstance and can provide more information upon request.

Our policy is to collect money at the time of service.

How Can I Schedule an Appointment?

Scheduling an appointment at Bens Total Wellness Therapy in New Jersey, NJ has never been easier or more convenient.

We have morning and evening appointments available to meet the demands of your busy schedule.

Our scheduling is easy, and we offer convenient locations and appointment times. Call us today at 732-853-4560 or click here to request an appointment.

Will Insurance Cover at-Home Physical Therapy?

Home-based physical therapy (PT) coverage varies widely depending on your specific insurance plan and location. Most insurance plans, including Medicare, often cover physical therapy services when they are considered medically necessary.

Home-based PT might also be covered if it’s determined that you are homebound or have significant difficulty accessing outpatient PT services. Check your insurance policy for specifics about physical therapy coverage, especially home-based services. If the details need to be clarified, you should reach out to your insurance provider directly. They can clarify what is covered and what is not.

At Bens Total Wellness Therapy, we will do our best to help clarify any questions you may have. We will verify your insurance coverage and let you know the details once we receive your information. If you do not have insurance, your insurance doesn’t cover in-home therapy, or you have run out of coverage, we offer a self-pay option.

We accept cash, check, debit card, and credit card. We are happy to discuss our payment plan options as well.

Call 732-853-4560 today to request an appointment!

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